AT Allure Corporate Training, we offer specialised face-to-face, online, in-house and off-site courses covering a wide spectrum from engineering disciplines, management and leadership, corporate governance, project management, supply chain and procurement management, health-safety and environmental management, financial management, communication and public relations, diversity and gender mainstreaming, agricultural, mining, production and manufacturing, transportation and logistics, urban and rural development, wildlife management among many other broad areas of training and development.

Whether you work for public or private sector, non- governmental organization (NGO), Public-Private Partnership or any other organization, we have plenty courses for you and moreover we tailor-make courses to suit your own needs and requirements.

Our Vision

  • To be a world class and the “go to” global training, development and consultancy institution and corporate partner that provides answers and solutions to clients’ needs and expectations

Our Mission

  • Allure Corporate Training provides professional courses training that make the most of your human talent and potential and matches world standards.
  • Through conducting face-to-face, onsite, offsite, and online courses, delegates get to learn some new or refined knowledge, skills and right attitudes for improved performance and help them grow within the organization, align their goals and invest their time in areas where they feel they need more work.
  • We offer tailormade courses that are developed to address unique training requirements, bridge the gap between present employee abilities and the desired state moulding learners to become dynamic individuals who are willing to take on a challenge, work harder, smarter, and more efficiently
  • Refining the delegates team-working skills, collaboration and strategies for growth to accommodate market changes and abilities to work independently without constant supervision is core to why we exist as an institution

Our Values

  • Responsive to client needs and requests.
  • Diligence and Commitment in the services we offer.
  • Integrity – all our professionals promote trust and respect in the way we conduct business.
  • • We value diversity in our society and promote worker competence in understanding the uniqueness of individuals within their environments.

Allure Corporate Training (ACT) Goals

Create a conducive learning environment that gets delegates/learners excited about participating in various topic discussions pertaining to the course at hand each time.

Inculcate high-performance cultures into delegates that encourage innovation by trusting employees to experiment, celebrating an entrepreneurial mindset and allowing for open communication between all levels of the organization

Improve the effectiveness of organizations and the individuals and teams within them through needs assessment, program design, program development, training delivery or implementation, and evaluation of training

Engaging all our stakeholders to craft and design pragmatic courses that foster increased productivity and performance in the workplace, uniformity of work processes, reduced supervision and reduced wastage, promoting employees from within, improving organizational structure and designs, boosting morale, better knowledge of policies and organization's goals, improved customer valuation and improved/updated technology.